After graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee with a degree in sculpture in 1985, I worked in Glasgow for a year organising art and craft classes before moving to Ullapool in Wester Ross where I lived for over 25 years, bringing up my family and working in a variety of creative roles including supporting children with additional needs. In 2013 I relocated to Cruden Bay in the East coast of Scotland, where I have been developing my painting over the last few years as well as running informal art classes from ‘The Kelpie Studio’, my small gallery, studio and gift shop. In 2021 I decided to close down the gift shop to concentrate fully on my own work. I am currently painting from my home studio by our beautiful sandy beach, gathering inspiration from rock, sand and sea, to create a new collection of work depicting the wild flora and fauna that surrounds me.
Please feel free to contact me regarding both my current work or alternatively to have an informal chat regarding your requirements.